
At Wellesley Primary School, we have developed a science curriculum based on the National Curriculum. Children are encouraged to think of themselves as ‘scientists’ as they learn about healthy lifestyles and the world around them. We aim for children to enjoy learning science and that they have the opportunity to learn about the wonders of the natural world around them.
Our curriculum is designed to build on children’s proper experiences and to revisit key ideas and concepts to enable deep learning.

Implementation including assessment

Science at Wellesley Primary School is taught through the scheme Kapow. This scheme enables children to revisit prior knowledge and skills, allowing pupils to build on their previous learning. The scheme covers the three key areas of science: biology, chemistry and physics, and all three areas are repeated each year. 

Working scientifically skills are embedded throughout the units of work as children have frequent opportunities to develop their science enquiry skills.
Children revisit key objective ‘sticky knowledge’ quizzes every lesson to ensure their understanding is embedded. These are repeated in subsequent terms too.
In EYFS, science is taught through the key areas of: understanding the world; personal, social and emotional development and communication & language.

The science curriculum will enable children to acquire the knowledge and skills that are needed to prepare them for both the next phase in their education and their place in the wider world. They will develop enquiry skills that will encourage curiosity and an appreciation for the wonder of the natural world around them.

Read our Science Intent
Year 1

Seasonal changes
Everyday materials
Sensitive bodies
Comparing animals
Introduction to plants
Making connections
Year 2

Uses of everyday materials
Life cycles and health
Plant growth
Making connections
Year 3

Movement and nutrition
Forces and magnets
Rocks and soil
Light and shadows
Plant reproduction
Making connections
Year 4

Digestion and food
Electricity and circuits
States of matter
Sound and vibrations
Classification and changing habitats
Making connections
Year 5

Mixtures and separation
Properties and changes
Earth and space
Life cycles and reproduction
Year 6

Classifying big and small
Light and reflection
Evolution and inheritance
Circuits, batteries and switches