Year 6 Topics

Oranges In No Man’s Land
The children will read and study the text Oranges In No Man’s Land by Elizabeth Laird. This will form the basis for our work in art, where we will paint in the style of Lebanese-American artist Vanessa Gemayel, and in Geography where we will use grid references and online mapping tools to find out about another country. In science, children will learn about animas and their habitats.

The Ancient Maya
The children will study a history topic based on the ancient civilization: The Maya. The children will explore the life and customs of the period of time, making comparisons between this era and other periods of time studied earlier in Key Stage 2. The children will study E-Safety this term. In science, children will learn about light.


Our first topic of the spring term will be based on the British explorer Ernest Shackleton. We will further develop map reading skills through locating oceans, continents and countries, reflecting on the journey Shackleton took to the Antarctic. In art, we will use chalk and oil pastels. Throughout the spring term in science children will revise key areas of learning from years 3-5.

The Battle of Britain
Children will begin to learn about World War 2 and the impact that the Battle of Britain had on the course of the war. Children will learn about rations and how life changed for the people of Britain during war time.


In the first term after Easter, the children will sit their SATs tests in reading, maths and grammar, punctuation and spelling, which are set by the Department for Education. They will continue to learn about World War 2. In science, they will learn about evolution and inheritance and the human body and circulatory system.

After half term, the children will spend their time preparing for their transition to secondary school. Topic work will be based on Suffragettes and Slavery, with a focus on the local area of Bristol. Children will also be able to take part in an end of year production, which is always much enjoyed by the school community. In addition, children are offered the chance to attend a residential trip to Hooke Court, where they are able to take part in lots of outdoor and adventurous activities.