Year 3 Topics

In Autumn 1 our work will be based around 'Into the Forest' and 'The Tunnel' by Anthony Browne. Our DT will explore the use of 3-nets in packaging and we will design a box to take a cake to ‘Grandma’. Geography will involve learning the 8 points of a compass, plotting coordinates, identifying map symbols as well as locating the UK and countries of Europe using an atlas. 
In Autumn 2 we will learn about life during the period of The Stone Age and our activities will include trying some recipes to experience what food would have been like at that time and examining ‘organic remains’ to help understand how the location of a tribe affected their diet. We will be reading 'Stone Age Boy' by Satoshi Kitamura and 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth'  by Michelle Robinson in English and our writing will be based on these texts. In art we will explore different pencil techniques through replicating cave paintings from The Stone Age using charcoal.


In Spring 1 we will make moving monsters which incorporate pneumatic systems to link in with Iron Man and the non-fiction texts about robots we will be reading in English. We will create pencil sketches of the Iron Man following a tutorial by the book’s illustrator Chris Mould.
In Spring 2 we will study mountains and rivers in geography lessons as well as creating river images using a pointillist style of painting in art.


In Summer 1 we will be creating sculptures to represent the eyes of the nocturnal animals we will be reading about during our English topic of 'Fantastic Mr Fox' by Roald Dahl. We will briefly look at times zones in geography.

In Summer 2 our topic of Ancient Egypt will provide links across many curricular areas.  We will add to our historical timeline and draw comparisons between ancient civilisations and our own.  We will be thinking about why the Nile was so important and consider land use then and now. Our DT will involve making models of shadufs using levers and linkages whilst we will read base our writing on The Egyptian Cinderella in English. We will spend a day dressing up as Ancient Egyptians, cooking flat bread, dancing and writing in hieroglyphics.