Year 1 Maths

At the beginning of the autumn term, the children will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the numbers to 10. They will start by counting and sorting objects; counting on and back (within 10); finding 1 more and 1 less as well as comparing and ordering. The children will do this through both teacher led learning and independently exploring class provision and resources (i.e. various objects to count, 10 frames, number tracks, etc…) There are lots of opportunities provided to link their learning of number to everyday life. Later in the term, the children will explore addition and subtraction (within 10) and will practise writing number sentences. There will be a focus on developing their knowledge of number bonds to 10 (4+6=10 and 9+1=10) and fact families (4+5=9, 5+4=9, 9=5+4). The children will learn to use whole-part models and number lines to aid their learning. Again, there will be carefully planned class provision for the children to independently explore to consolidate the teacher led learning.  At the end of the term, the children will be introduced to 2D and 3D shapes before we consolidate their learning from the term.


In the spring term, the children will extend their knowledge of place value further by exploring tens and ones relating to numbers up to 20 and then 50. They will learn to represent, compare and order numbers to 50 using objects such as bead-strings, Numicon, cubes, dienes and hundred squares. This will develop their skills in counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. They will use their prior learning of addition and subtraction to manipulate numbers 20. As well as this, the children will be exploring measure with a focus on length and height, then mass and volume. They will begin by recapping longer/shorter and lighter/heavier using resources such as cubes and balance scales before moving on to measuring in cm. They will continue to enjoy independently accessing carefully planned provision and focussed teacher led group work.


In the summer term the children will be exploring multiplication and division. They will revisit counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. As well as this, they will multiply and divide by making and sharing equal groups using manipulatives in relation to real life challenges. They will extend their learning to finding fractions of shapes and equal groups such as ½ and ¼.
Later in the term, the children will practise instructions of position and direction such as ‘forwards, backwards, left and right’ as well as ‘quarter turn, half turn, full turn’. This will provide plenty of opportunities to get outside for practical and challenging turn taking activities! The children will recap on their prior learning and knowledge of place value and use this to extend their learning to numbers up to 100 before finishing the term with measurement - specifically money and time. They will use role-play to practise recognising, counting and using money. Next, develop their concept of time by using their own life experiences to sort and order time throughout the day eg- morning/afternoon and fist, next, after that etc. They will deepen their understanding of the days of the week and practise telling the time to o’clock and half-past.