
At Wellesley Primary we have developed a curriculum to enthuse our children about Writing through engaging and inspiring texts.  Our curriculum is designed to build on children's prior experiences and to revisit key ideas and c0ncepts to enable deep learning.

Our Writing Intent

At Wellesley Primary we have developed a curriculum to enthuse our children about Reading through engaging, interactive and focussed lessons as well as opportunities to read and hear texts for pleasure throughout the school day.  Our curriculum is designed to build on children's prior experiences and to revisit key ideas and concepts to enable deep learning.

Our Reading Intent

Year 2 English

Our texts this term are The Teddy Robber by Ian Beck and Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett. We will recap on word families such as nouns and adjectives and use adjectives to describe characters and settings.  The children will write their own Lost and Found story based on The Teddy Robber. We focus on using capital letters, full stops and ? in our sentences. The children will also write a non-chronological report about Toys using information from our History topic. We will read Autumn poems and write our own poems based on our senses. We will learn and perform an Autumn poem. After half term the children will write their own quest story based on Meerkat Mail which is set in Africa. They will use conjunctions such as and, but and so to write compound sentences. This term we will use apostrophes in contractions.


Our texts this term are George and the Dragon by Christopher Wormell and Katie in London by James Mayhew. We will write our own stories based on George and the Dragon. We will focus on using commas and conjunctions such as because and when in our sentences. We will use adjectives to add detail to our sentences. Our non-fiction writing will be writing instructions for how to look after a pet dragon. We will write a story set in London and use adjectives to describe London landmarks. We will write diary entries linked to the topic of the Great Fire of London. We will use information from our history topic about The Great Fire of London. We will read poems. This term we will use apostrophes in contractions and learn how to use the possessive apostrophe.


Our texts this term are The owl who was afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson and The Mousehole Cat by Antonio Barber. In The Owl who was afraid of the Dark the children will learn about a character who overcomes a fear.  We will think about character traits when writing descriptions and the children will continue to vary sentence types and structures.  We will learn to write in the correct tense, as well as building on our existing knowledge of grammar, punctuation and spelling. We will link our learning in science to our writing and create a report about animals.  In the second half of the term, we will learn about a place in Cornwall during Victorian times before writing a descriptive narrative and some sea-themed poetry. We will learn to make interesting vocabulary choices and develop our use of conjunctions to create a variety of different sentences.