Year 5 Maths

During Maths sessions this term, the children will be concentrating on manipulating numbers to at least 1000000 and using these in a problem solving context.  They will be using written methods for the four number operations, i.e. +,-,x and ÷ and applying their knowledge to answering word problems.  In our fractions topic, they will finding equivalent fractions; comparing and ordering; adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers.


Year 5 will continue to develop and extend their written methods of multiplication and division using the short formal methods.  They will extend their understanding of fractions and decimals and also introduce percentages.  We will study area and perimeter of simple and rectilinear shapes, including problem solving. In our statistics topics we extend our understanding of line graphs.

This term we will be learning how to draw and measure different angles using a protractor.  The class will also need to reflect and translate 2D shapes on a grid and will need to know their 2D shape knowledge to identify 3D shapes.  They will convert between different units of measure both metric and imperial.  We will continue our work on position and direction using angles of turn as well as studying negative numbers.