Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is paid to schools at the rate of £1320 per child for children currently entitled to free school meals (of if they have been eligible for free school meals in the last six years) as well as for looked after children and pupils who have parents in the armed forces.  It is paid directly to schools with the purpose of diminshing differences between disadvantage children and their peers.  The government allows schools to decide for themselves how best to spend this money, based on the needs of the children in their school.

How do we spend Pupil Premium Funding?

At Wellesley Primary School, we work to ensure that all of our children have equal access to the very best education, in order that they reach their full potential - both academically and socially - something that is reflected in our school vision and values.  Our main goal is diminshing the differences between the attainment of our disavantaged pupils and their peers.  At Wellesley, we pride ourselves on knowing our children well; teachers use their knowledge of the children in the class in order to inform decisions about the Pupil Premium Funding is spent.  We have a relatively small number of children entitled to Pupil Premium Funding, and each pupil is unique in their needs, therefore the best way to ensure their progress is to personalise the provision that is in place for them.  Staff devise personalised programmes of support aimed at ensuring that the children in their class can overcome barriers to their learning, and have equal access to the education we provide.  We take account of evidence based research when determining our interventions and strategy.


Please note these photos show the type of activities that we have used for pupil premium but not necessarily depict the children entitled to receive it
Residential School trip TA support Tuition
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2020-21

 1. Summary Information 

School Wellesley Primary   

Academic Year


Total PP Budget


Date of most recent PP Review external

Date of most recent audit internal

Oct 2020

Total Number of pupils


Number of pupils eligible for PP


Date for next internal review of this strategy

Oct 2021

   2. Current Attainment

Outcomes by subject 2019 for PP pupils   school and (PP pupils national in brackets)

Reading % Writing % Maths %

5 pupils eligible for PP (3 SEN) - Wellesley

Pupils not eligible for PP National/Similar Schools

 % achieving in reading, writing and maths

Reading - 40%

Writing - 40%

Maths 40%

Combined - 40%

Reading - 78%/62%

Writing - 78%/68%

Maths - 84%/67%

Combined - 71%/51%

 progress in reading



 progress in writing



 progress in maths



  3. Barriers to future attainment (for pupils eligible for PP, including high ability)

  In-school barriers to be addressed


Children not being ready to learn due to emotional wellbeing and lack of self-esteem


 Poor communication and language skills.


 Lack of wider opportunities in order to increase life-experiences and raise aspirations.


 Not having equipment and necessary school uniform.

 External barriers (issues which also require action outside school, such as low attendance rates)


 Attendance and broken weeks.


Lack of parental engagement and support for home learning.


Lack of money for extended school opportunities.


Lack of support networks to help parents cope with parenting difficulties eg.   behaviour outside school

4. Desired Outcomes 


Desired outcomes and how they will be measured

Success criteria


Children being ready to learn and engaged in lessons first thing in the morning.

  • Children attending Jellybeans - additional breakfast club and emotional wellbeing time for vulnerable children.

  • Time give for children to share their feelings and calm themselves down.

  • Children have had the option to talk, have quiet time or/and have breakfast so they can be ready for the school day.

  • Staff reporting that children are settling to lessons better.


Whole school approach to improving children's communication and language skills.

  • Language Development focus throughout the

  • school in action, e.g. expectation that children will speak in whole sentences.

  • Developing general knowledge through homework, displays and assemblies.

  • Using speaking frames to encourage better use of language, e.g. I know this because...in my opinion.

  • Promoting more singing in school.

See Oracy Action Plan

  • Reading focus throughout the school.

  • New strategy and planning format for guided reading.

  • Reading for pleasure throughout the school.

  • Improved reading environments in classrooms.

See English action plan.

  • For children to have a better understanding of language.

  • For children to be using Tier 1 language accurately.

  • Children using more Tier 2 and 3 language.

  • Children able to communicate effectively with staff and peers.







  • Improved reading environments throughout school.

  • Children reporting enjoyment of reading and talking about their reading.

  • Improved attainment and progress for individual children.


Ensure children are given opportunities to increase their life experiences and have high aspirations.

  • For families to be supported with funding for trips.

  • For children to given experiences to raise their awareness of their opportunities.

  • Outside visits to come in and talk to the children.

  • For children to be given opportunities to reaise their awareness of opportunities.

  •  Children have had access to information about the wider world and what their future could look like.

  • Children will have learned life-skills such as management of money.


Ensure provision for children with multiple vulnerabilities

  • Children to be given school uniform.

  • Children to be resourced to access the curriculum.

  •  All children appropriately equipped for school.


To ensure attendance and broken weeks stays below national.

  • Monitoring from SLT and governors termly.

  • Reminders for parents generally in newsletters and individual contact.

  •  Atttendance for disadvantage children at least in line with rest of the school overall and for broken weeks.


To increase parental awareness of ways to support their child at home.

  • Well supported stay and learn sessions.

  • Positive feedback from supported evening information sessions.

  • Parents attending parents's evening and being given resources to help their child at home.

  •  Parents of disavantaged children attending stay and learn sessions; information sessions and parents' evenings.  If they cannot attend, information has been sent to them separately.

  • Website updated with information to support parents.

  • PSA worked with families who have asked for support.


For children to be able to benefit from extended school opportunities.

  • For children to feel included and attend extended school events.

  •  All disadvantaged children attending trips, specifically residential ones.


For parents to understand the support available to them through school.

  • PCP meetings with teachers.

  • Parents to feel they can support their child at home more.

  • Positive feedback about parental support worker.

  • All parents to attend PCP meetings.

  • Parent aware of Parent Support Advisor and the support has been used as needed.

 5. Planned expenditure

 Financial Year: 2020-21

The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the pupil premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school stategies.

i. Quality of teacher for all

 Desired outcome

 Chosen action/approach

What is the evidence and rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well?

Staff lead & Cost

When will you review the implementation?

Effective 1:1 feedback. See Pupil Premium Action Plan.

For teachers to give individual input and next steps to support learning.

Quality first teaching providing for individual needs.  Teachers report that they find this the most effective way of supporting and challenging children.

1:1 feedback given by the class teacher.

Notes monitored by LHA

Pupil Conferencing.

Learning Walks



Supply teacher 2x mornings per week & DH time


£7,665 & £1,173




Children speaking clearly in fully formed sentences.

See Oracy Action Plan

For teachers to model, repeat back correctly if wrong, expect children to respond in sentences.

For teachers to provide schema for children to use such as how to greet a visitior to class.

Some children are unable to speak in fully formed, grammatically accurate sentences.  This can hinder their ability to explain their thoughts and talk about their learning.

Training for staff in the use of language and oracy.

Research projects into best ways to support language development.  Teachers to trial different ways to develop the use of language.

Create a consistent set of sentence sttems for use across the school, developing as the children get older. 

Pupil Conferencing.



Staff meeting time x 5


Appraisal time x 4



Staff meetings





Appraisal review meetings.

Wider vocabulary being used in school.  See Oracy Action Plan

Teachers to focus on language and extending and enriching vocabulary in English lessons.


Curriculum review to include key language for all subjects.


Develop children's general knowledge so that they can speak knowledgeably about a wider range of subjects.


Increase the amount of singing in school, particularly linked to topics and units of work as this can develop language in a really enjoyable way.


Many children are using limited unadventurous language.  They also do not challenge the meaning of words they hear and read, asking for explanations.


Children cannot always hold conversations because they have a limited general knowledge.

Planning will show language to be developed.

Learning Walks

Homework jigsaws show activities to develop areas of general knowledge.

Assembly plans show how general knowledge will be developed.

Planning will show wider use of singing lined to topics and units of work.

Pupil Conferencing.



Monitoring time






Improved reading outcomes throughout the shcool.  See English Action plan.

Revised guided reading sequence and a focus on inference approach throughout the school.  Good use of quality text and emersion in quality texts.

Lower results in EXS in reading at both KS1 and KS2 in 2018-19

Lesson observations

Pupil results







See Phonics Action Plan

Review Teaching and Learning in Phonics in EYFS and KSA to ensure effective, pacy teaching.


Ensure reading books match children's phonic ability.

Lower results in Y1 phonics check 2018-19

Lessons observations

Pupil results

Reading with pupils.



Time for monitoring





For children to have focused support to enable them to access the KS tests.

To provide targeted support in Year 2 and Year 6 to allow children access to the key stage tests.

Focus group work that enables children to overlearn skills.


Focusing on children's strengths as well as weakenesses allows for the child to recognise their own skills and improve their understanding.

Pupil feedback

Teacher to plan individualised curriculum.

£9345 on 2 teachers providing support to targeted children.



Terms 4 & 5

To help vulnerable children cope with the pressures of growing up and home life.

Small group and 1:1 group intervention focusing on children's wellbeing and emotional and social mental health, e.g. Anxiety Gremlin, Sand Tray therapy, Talk time.

Children need to be supported in developing the skills they need to manage the challenges in life such as anxiety and relationships.  They need to learn how to look after their own wellbeing.

Monitoring of groups and impact on individuals.






Total budgeted cost £23,586

i.i Other approaches

Desired Outcome

Chosen action/approach

What is the evidence and rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well?

Staff lead

When will you review the implementation?

Pupils are ready to learn at the beginning of school day both emotionally and physically

For all children to have access to Breakfast Club.

For children to be ready to learn at the start of the school day.

Pupil conferencing.







Pupils are ready to learn at the beginning of school day both emotionally and physically.

For all children to have access to Jellybeans - an additional breakfast club to enable children to have a calm time and time to chat at the start of the school day.

For children to be calm and ready to learn at the beginning of the school.


For children to talk through their worries and have a balanced and healthy breakfast.



Staff feedback

Pupil conferencing




TA Time - £800


Ensuring disadvantaged children get the opportunity to complete their homework with the support of a teacher.

After-school homework club.

For children to have access to the internet and resources with support from an adult to complete homework tasks.

Pupil conferencing.

Parent feedback.



Children have access to extended schools and enrichment opportunities.

Assistance for families with funds for attending clubs and trips.

Pupils can engage with trips and benefit from a range of extra-curricular activities.

Pupil conferencing.

Parental feedback.





Parents are supported in handling issues such as behaviour management and accessing support in the community such as housing.


Targeted support for vulnerable families.

Assistance for families through our parent support worker.

Parents are supported with paper work, advice and information to help them support their child at home and outside of school.

Parent feedback.



£2,050Parent Support


£100 uniform/meals

Term 6

Total budgeted cost for all areas £26,840

 5. Planned expenditure

 Financial Year: 2019-20

The three headings below enable schools to demonstrate how they are using the pupil premium to improve classroom pedagogy, provide targeted support and support whole school stategies.

i. Quality of teacher for all

 Desired outcome

 Chosen action/approach

What is the evidence and rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well?

Staff lead & Cost

When will you review the implementation?

Effective 1:1 feedback. See Pupil Premium Action Plan.

For teachers to give individual input and next steps to support learning.

Quality first teaching providing for individual needs.  Teachers report that they find this the most effective way of supporting and challenging children.

1:1 feedback given by the class teacher.

Notes monitored by LHA

Pupil Conferencing.

Learning Walks



Supply teacher 2x mornings per week & DH time


£7,665 & £1,173




Children speaking clearly in fully formed sentences.

See Oracy Action Plan

For teachers to model, repeat back correctly if wrong, expect children to respond in sentences.

For teachers to provide schema for children to use such as how to greet a visitior to class.

Some children are unable to speak in fully formed, grammatically accurate sentences.  This can hinder their ability to explain their thoughts and talk about their learning.

Training for staff in the use of language and oracy.

Research projects into best ways to support language development.  Teachers to trial different ways to develop the use of language.

Create a consistent set of sentence sttems for use across the school, developing as the children get older. 

Pupil Conferencing.



Staff meeting time x 5


Appraisal time x 4



Staff meetings





Appraisal review meetings.

Wider vocabulary being used in school.  See Oracy Action Plan

Teachers to focus on language and extending and enriching vocabulary in English lessons.


Curriculum review to include key language for all subjects.


Develop children's general knowledge so that they can speak knowledgeably about a wider range of subjects.


Increase the amount of singing in school, particularly linked to topics and units of work as this can develop language in a really enjoyable way.


Many children are using limited unadventurous language.  They also do not challenge the meaning of words they hear and read, asking for explanations.


Children cannot always hold conversations because they have a limited general knowledge.

Planning will show language to be developed.

Learning Walks

Homework jigsaws show activities to develop areas of general knowledge.

Assembly plans show how general knowledge will be developed.

Planning will show wider use of singing lined to topics and units of work.

Pupil Conferencing.



Monitoring time






Improved reading outcomes throughout the shcool.  See English Action plan.

Revised guided reading sequence and a focus on inference approach throughout the school.  Good use of quality text and emersion in quality texts.

Lower results in EXS in reading at both KS1 and KS2 in 2018-19

Lesson observations

Pupil results







See Phonics Action Plan

Review Teaching and Learning in Phonics in EYFS and KSA to ensure effective, pacy teaching.


Ensure reading books match children's phonic ability.

Lower results in Y1 phonics check 2018-19

Lessons observations

Pupil results

Reading with pupils.



Time for monitoring





For children to have focused support to enable them to access the KS tests.

To provide targeted support in Year 2 and Year 6 to allow children access to the key stage tests.

Focus group work that enables children to overlearn skills.


Focusing on children's strengths as well as weakenesses allows for the child to recognise their own skills and improve their understanding.

Pupil feedback

Teacher to plan individualised curriculum.

£9345 on 2 teachers providing support to targeted children.



Terms 4 & 5

To help vulnerable children cope with the pressures of growing up and home life.

Small group and 1:1 group intervention focusing on children's wellbeing and emotional and social mental health, e.g. Anxiety Gremlin, Sand Tray therapy, Talk time.

Children need to be supported in developing the skills they need to manage the challenges in life such as anxiety and relationships.  They need to learn how to look after their own wellbeing.

Monitoring of groups and impact on individuals.






Total budgeted cost £23,586

i.i Other approaches

Desired Outcome

Chosen action/approach

What is the evidence and rationale for this choice?

How will you ensure it is implemented well?

Staff lead

When will you review the implementation?

Pupils are ready to learn at the beginning of school day both emotionally and physically

For all children to have access to Breakfast Club.

For children to be ready to learn at the start of the school day.

Pupil conferencing.







Pupils are ready to learn at the beginning of school day both emotionally and physically.

For all children to have access to Jellybeans - an additional breakfast club to enable children to have a calm time and time to chat at the start of the school day.

For children to be calm and ready to learn at the beginning of the school.


For children to talk through their worries and have a balanced and healthy breakfast.



Staff feedback

Pupil conferencing




TA Time - £1,800


Ensuring disadvantaged children get the opportunity to complete their homework with the support of a teacher.

After-school homework club.

For children to have access to the internet and resources with support from an adult to complete homework tasks.

Pupil conferencing.

Parent feedback.



Children have access to extended schools and enrichment opportunities.

Assistance for families with funds for attending clubs and trips.

Pupils can engage with trips and benefit from a range of extra-curricular activities.

Pupil conferencing.

Parental feedback.





Parents are supported in handling issues such as behaviour management and accessing support in the community such as housing.


Targeted support for vulnerable families.

Assistance for families through our parent support worker.

Parents are supported with paper work, advice and information to help them support their child at home and outside of school.

Parent feedback.



£1,900 Parent Support


£894 uniform/meals

Term 6

Total budgeted cost for all areas £28,880