Catch Up Plan 2020-21
Principles We believe that quality first teaching will be the most effective way of supporting the children to make accelerated progress following the Coronavirus lockdown.
We believe that targeted support by the children’s class teachers will be the best way to help small groups or individuals to ‘fill in the gaps’ of work they have missed or forgotten. This will be facilitated by the use of funding to release the teachers.
Giving specific feedback to address misconceptions will be a key feature of our work – this may be in the form of 1:1 time or in marking.
We do not think that interventions taking place whilst the class are working on foundation subjects is desirable; the children need to be accessing a wide curriculum. However, we acknowledge that sometimes this is unavoidable. Interventions at these times will be kept to a minimum and rotated so that children do not miss large chunks of one particular subject.
Interventions will be SMART and focused.
Priorities Our priorities will be decided based on an understanding of equity. Children receiving ‘catch-up’ support will have been identified through their experiences during lockdown; the capacity their families have to support them; their emotional health and well-being, and their academic achievement.
First priority will be children’s wellbeing; followed by promoting positive learning behaviours.
Academic support will be targeted at children whose formative and summative data has shown they are not on track from previous key stage. This does not necessarily mean the lower achieving children.
Success Criteria Targeted children will make accelerated progress in identified area of need.
Resources will be being used effectively to support children
Autumn 2020 Spring 2021 Summer 2021
Term 1 – general support provided in class by Mr Thurston (KS2) and Teaching Assistants (KS1).
Pupil Progress meetings held to identify vulnerable children.
End of Term 1/beginning of Term 2 – first cohort of children to receive extra targeted support starts after needs have been identified.
Resources bought to support home learning – Bug Club subscription and CGP books.
Lesson Observations in writing held with a focus on vulnerable children.
Beginning of Term 3 – Pupil Progress meetings held to track progress and identify next group of children to receive extra support.
Start LA Oracy Project
Lesson Observations in reading held with a focus on vulnerable children.
Beginning of Term 4 – Pupil Progress meetings held to track progress and identify next group of children to receive extra support.
Beginning of Term 5 – Pupil Progress meetings held to track progress and identify next group of children to receive extra support.
Complete LA Oracy project
Lesson Observations in reading held with a focus on vulnerable children.
Beginning of Term 6 – Pupil Progress meetings held to track progress and identify next group of children to receive extra support.